Young woman working on laptop

Step by step approach for inclusive schools screenshotAll of us at Stetson & Associates are committed to the safety and well-being of students and staff as we support our communities across the country in their ongoing efforts to contain the Coronavirus.

Although recent orders and advisories from federal, state and local government authorities make our on-site training and technical assistance unavailable at this time, we are working to provide needed services in helpful and innovative ways.

You may want to consider the following online options designed to build educator knowledge and skills and enhance professional development during paid days for teaching and/or leadership staff.

Option One:  Select from our library of interactive online courses with downloadable resources.  Each course offers professional learning credits with embedded documentation of completion and passing grade on the end-of-course exam providing new learning for staff and accountability for the district.

Option Two:  Arrange a customized webinar for any size audience. At this time of crisis when our government has recommended limiting gatherings to no more than ten, webinars offer a safe option for training both large and small groups.

Option Three: Request a customized online course in a topic that your district is currently addressing. It can be of any length and designed for any audience. This is an opportunity to proactively respond to emerging concerns or issues.

Option Four: Schedule virtual consultation with any one of our associates regarding planning for the next school year, identifying district-wide or department-level priorities, or tools and resources that may be required to move schools forward in implementation of practice. You may also find development of parent resources to be helpful at this time.

Please contact us for more information about these options or any new ones you may have thought of. We will continue to remain in communication with you as we monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation. Thank you for all you do for children each and every day. Be safe!

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