Accommodations 2.0
Take your school’s strategies for creating and implementing effective student accommodations to the next level with practical guidance and hands-on applications.
This training will help you:
establishing a set of accommodations providing equitable access to the general education curriculum and to the achievement of enrolled grade level standards.
your school to effectively use accommodations as a means to remove barriers for students with disabilities, allowing opportunities to participate in the same assignments as their peers.
your entire team with a new understanding of accommodations and the decision-making approaches enabling the best support possible.
Find answers you need to know, such as:
- What are practical applications of accommodation strategies for reading and writing?
- Where can I find helpful suggestions to guide the development of accommodations for students needing executive functioning support?
Discover new perspectives, skills, and research-based resources:
- Assess barriers to student success in three critical areas: reading, writing and executive function.
- Evaluate related frameworks for accessible learning.
- Participate in an interactive activity to evaluate varied accommodation scenarios as effective or ineffective in their approach, then discuss strategies for the changes needed.
Expand your toolbox:
- Review a list of questions to address when accommodations need adjustment.
- Discuss practical applications of scaffolds, accommodations and modifications.
- Discover ways to assess and document a student’s progress with accommodations.