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Participate in hands-on learning opportunities and insightful discussion sessions addressing the importance of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) in today’s classroom. Learn why it is essential for educators to understand how SDI must be implemented in addition to the educational and support services every student is eligible to receive.

This training will help you:


diminishing the large achievement gap among students with disabilities with specially designed instruction that effectively meets their distinctive individual needs.


your team with methods to design and apply SDI that links students with disabilities to the standards for their grade level.


general and special education teachers, staff, and principals with examples and interactive activities focused on effective planning, implementation, and assessment of SDI.

Find answers you need to know, such as:

  • Who can provide SDI for students? (Hint:  It’s likely many more than you might imagine.)
  • How does our team develop and monitor an IEP that will ensure access to state standards, and how can SDI help achieve that goal?

Discover new perspectives, skills, and research-based resources:

  • Gain a new understanding of why SDI is so important.
  • Learn the decision-making process for determining SDI needs and where SDI supports fit into the lesson planning cycle.
  • Review the IEP process that identifies SDI supports.
  • Identify the specific roles staff share for delivering SDI.
  • Assess current levels of best practice implementation.

Expand your toolbox:

  • Work through a specially designed tool to support decision-making on instructional and personal supports.
  • Learn 7 steps educators can take to develop an IEP aligned with the enrolled grade-level curriculum.
  • Participate in a group activity where you learn the best ways to work through the challenges educators face when developing an IEP.
  • Review an effective format to guide instructional planning identifying where IEP goals can be met during the daily instructional schedule.
  • Practice using an instructional design tool and receive valuable feedback.
  • Examine and discuss a planning matrix.

Training customization:

Stetson & Associates can customize every training to fit your needs and has been doing so for over 700 districts for more than 30 years.

Based on your interest in this training, here are others to consider:

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