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Although the challenge of access and equity is not new for students with disabilities, COVID’s restrictions have only served to increase the disparities. It’s important to realize that the biggest change for educators is in the “how” of instructional delivery. This workshop uncovers many new opportunities for students to continue to share in learning experiences in spite of learning differences.

This training will help you:


the most successful inclusive virtual learning environment possible filled with new and exciting potential.


your teachers to identify and minimize potential barriers to equitable access and maximize opportunities for success and engagement in virtual learning.


your team to get students absorbed and active in learning, even if they can’t be in the same room together.

Find answers you need to know, such as:

  • What are the best steps I can take to ensure my virtual classroom promotes equity and inclusion?
  • How can I design inclusive virtual lessons with personalized supports?
  • What are some of the most favorite and recommended tech tools to support instructional accommodations?

Discover new perspectives, skills, and research-based resources:

  • Design and implement inclusive practices to promote equity in the virtual setting.
  • Understand how to overcome the barriers to effective learning.
  • Design a virtual lesson including personalized supports.
  • Learn how to use technology tools that support accommodations and modifications.

Expand your toolbox:

  • Get familiar with the factors educators can control for effective virtual learning.
  • Review and understand the key student barriers to keep in mind when designing virtual learning experiences such as physical, sensory, communication and more.
  • Learn how student-specific cultural variables can affect virtual learning.
  • Consider caregiver capabilities in students’ home environments.
  • Receive helpful learning-at-home resources with ways to facilitate partnerships between families and schools.

Training customization:

Stetson & Associates can customize every training to fit your needs and has been doing so for over 700 districts for more than 30 years.

Based on your interest in this training, here are others to consider:

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