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In today’s challenging environment, it’s more important than ever to understand how resiliency can be learned and strengthened.

This training will help you:


highly resilient teams finding new ways to bounce back even stronger after adversity.


your team with skill-building exercises designed to strengthen the fortitude and flexibility that shapes resiliency.


your staff with new ideas and researched recommendations for growth.

Find answers you need to know, such as:

  • How can building resiliency now impact the long-term outlook?
  • Why is teaching resiliency so vital in today’s environment?

Discover new perspectives, skills, and research-based resources:

  • Master the mental domain of resiliency.
    • See how gratitude can make the difference.
    • Reflect on challenges and gifts.
  • Make the most of your physical domain of resiliency.
    • Understand the link between physical and mental fitness.
    • Learn ideas for establishing healthy routines and accountability.
  • Address the social domain of resiliency.
    • Find new ways to create and strengthen alliances.
    • Build healthy support systems.
  • Strengthen your spiritual domain of resiliency.
    • Focus on personal core values.
    • Meet and understand the influence of your internal board of directors.

Expand your toolbox:

Provide your staff and students with a new range of coping strategies and effective self-regulation skills designed to help balance mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being.

Training customization:

Stetson & Associates can customize every training to fit your needs and has been doing so for over 700 districts for more than 30 years.

Based on your interest in this training, here are others to consider:

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